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Ответ дал: linajaims
I visited a mall last Sunday. It is downtown, so I drive there by car. I went to the bank to cash some money, because I had just some change. It was very crowded and I had to stay in line. Then I walk to the clothing store. I wanted to buy some nice pants for my brother’s birthday party. There were very many pants in the store. They were black, brown, blue and pink. I wanted to buy black pants. I asked clerk for help. I could select anyone in the store. The clerk helped me to select the best one. She was pleasant a lot. So, I bought pants, said: «Thank you» to the clerk and left clothing store. Then I went to the jewelry store. There were a lot of beautiful rings and ear rings in the shop. But they were very expensive, so I decided to visit it next holidays. After that I went to a commissary. I bought some helpful things which I will use to clear my flat. I spend much money and I was very happy when I returned to home.

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