Помогите 2. Заранее спасибо



Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 I was writing a letter at 2 o'clock yesterday.
2 When you phoned, I was playing a new computer game.
3 Yesterday he returned home very early.
4 Last spring the flood destroyed half of the town.
5 It was raining when he got up yesterday morning.
6 At 4 p.m. yesterday a small satellite was moving towards our space station.
7 Tim cleaned the room an hour ago.
8 We danced a lot at the disco last night.
9 While I was working in the garden, I found a kitten.
10 What were you doing at 7 o'clock yesterday?

1 The terrible hurricane had destroyed all the houses by that time.
2 The famous writer was born in 1947.
3 When they arrived at the cinema, the film had begun already.
4 Mike played polo yesterday, he had never played before.
5 He looked troubled yesterday.
6 He hadn't finished his work by that time.
7 What had he done before arrived ?
8 Last month her family went abroad.
9 The girl had never heard that music before concert.
10 We didn't see her for three years.
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