Срочно нужна помощь с английским.

Замените сложные предложения или группы предложений
простыми предложениями с инфинитивным оборотом.

Например: I looked out of the window. He crossed the street.
I saw him cross the street.

1) I never smoke in doors. My wife doesn't it.
2) I shall stay at home and My lessons. Mother said so
3) You got off the train at Saltmarsh city. The perter saw you
4) No one had expected that she would marry the man
5) Don't shoutt so! The wole house will know what has happened. Do you want it


Ответ дал: nunny
1) My wife doesn't want me to smoke indoors.
Mother told me to stay at home and do my lessons.
3) The porter saw you
get off the train at Saltmarsh city.
4) She was not expected to marry the man.
5) Do you want t
he whole house to know what has happened?
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