Ex. 2 Выпиши слово, которое наиболее подходит по смыслу: 1)The weather was fine and we spent the whole day in the … air. a) fine b) open c) close d) healthy 2) I am fond of music and I always watch … programmes. a) political b) music c) musical d) social 3) This place … for its old church. a) is responsible b) is made c) is founded d) is famous 4) Read the cinema … and find out (выясни) what kind of film it is. a) show b) advert c) programme d) signal 5) The two sisters had a lot in … . a) common b) characteristic c) alike d) programme


Ответ дал: Natara1
1)The weather was fine and we spent the whole day in the … air. b) open

2) I am fond of music and I always watch … programmes.b) music

3) This place … for its old church. d) is famous

4) Read the cinema … and find out (выясни) what kind of film it is.  b) advert

5) The two sisters had a lot in … . a) common

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