Составить по 5 предложений с am/is/are отрицательные вопросы и утверждающие


Ответ дал: 1658р
I am not an actor
He is watching tv at the moment
We are not at school now
Are you writing an essay now
Is it your pen on the table
Am I wrong
Ответ дал: Аноним
1. I am drinking water. I am running now. I am talking with my friends. I am fighting with the boy. I am doing homework now.
2. I am not eatting apples now.  I am not playing now. I am not talking now. I am not doing homework now. I am not fighting now.
3. Am I play? Am I drinking? Am I fighting? Am I eatting? Am I laughing?
4. He is laughing about the joke. She is playing now. He is sitting at table. She is thinking about the homework. It is playing with it's toy.
5. He isn't playing. He isn't dancing. She isn't singing. She isn't laughing. It isn't playing.
6. Is he dancing? Is she singing? Is it playing? Is she laughing? Is he playing?
7. You are a pilot. They're players. We're singers. You're a dancer. They're cookers.
8. They aren't players. You aren't a pilot. We aren't dancers. They aren't cookers. You aren't  singers.
9. Are they cookers? Are you a pilot? Are we dancers. Are you a man?
Are you singers?
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