Put the verbs into the past simple to complete the sentences.
1. Last weekend I _____ to the cinema with my sister. GO
2. Hey! _____ you _____ all my pizza? EAT
3. Yesterday my brother ______ a nice photograph of me. TAKE
4. ______ you _____ all your homework last night? DO
5. Last Saturday, my mum ______ a new car. BUY
6. The maths test was hard and I ______ the answers. NOT/KNOW
7. Where ______you ______ you t-shirt from? It's nice. GET
8. My little brother ______ at school yesterday. NOT/BE


Ответ дал: viksi12
1 went
2 did you eat
3 took
4 did you do
5 bought
6. Didn't know
7 did you get
8 wasn't
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