Напишите предложения без ошибок
She already visited her mother
Jack didn't went to London yesterday
Mary has just wrote a letter to her mum
Jack plays tennis last week
Rex and Sue was at school last month
Nick and Max is playing computer now


Ответ дал: liz172
She has already visited her mother
Jack didn't go to London yesterday 
Mary has just written a letter to her mum
Jack played tennis last week 
Rex and Sue were at school last month 
Nick and Max are playing computer now

жыдыбыж: Спасибо огромное
liz172: только обнови страницу так как я исправила кое-что
Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
Все предложенные предложения с ошибками
She HAS already visited her mother
Jack didn't GO to London yesterday
Mary has just WRITTEN a letter to her mum
Jack PLAYED tennis last week
Rex and Sue WERE at school last month
Nick and Max ARE playing computer now
Вас заинтересует