Помогите!! ДАЮ 20 БАЛЛОВ!

Заполни пропуски правильной формы глагола "to be" в настоящем времени. Затем напиши каждое предложение в прошедшем простом времени,добавив слова "last year". (Точечки это пропуски,куда нужно вставить)

You ......... a good student. -
He ......... a good student to. -
She .......... a nice girl. -
It ........ interesting to make a magazine. -
We .......... good friends. -
You ......... our friends too. -
They .......... nice children. -


Ответ дал: viksi12
You are a good student - you were a good student
He is a good student too- he was a good student too
She is a nice girl - she was a nice girl
It is interesting to make a magazine- it was interesting to make magazine
We are good friends - we were good friends
You are our friend too- you were our friend too
They are nice children - they were nice children

Viktoria2705: Cпасибо))
ayla22: Ты супер
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