Помогите написать 5 предложений с глаголом to be.Только они не должны быть самыми простыми)


Ответ дал: AripovZ
1.I am short of time. so I can't wait for you so long. (to be short of time - мало времени)
2 We are glad to visit our friends next Sunday.
(to be glad -радоваться ).
3 I have a great deal of work so you see I'm very busy this week. (to be busy - быть занятым).
4. They were afraid of getting bad news from their friends after terroristic acts in France. (to be afraid of - бояться ч-либо )
5. He was used to get up early in the morning and go for a walk in the nearest park. (to be used to - привыкать)
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