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It was great to hear that you spent summer holiday travelling and relaxing.Did you enjoy your journey?
What impressed you most of all?
As for me,I am fully tired because we've got to many test at school


Ответ дал: LilySaywhat
Hey Jessica,
Thank you for your letter, I was very pleased to read about your summer holidays.

I'm doing fine, thanks for your asking. I've spent a couple of weeks in Spain and this was awesome! I enjoyed every day. You know, the crystal clear sea water, warm sun, a great company and the sparkling sun rows on the waves. It was perfect, but it's not the thing, that impressed me most.

Last weekend, I went shopping with my friends Jane and we have found a lot of different beautiful clothes that I was dreaming about, so I brought a kind of souvenirs to my home town.

It's a bit hard to study at school, because I'm elder now and we have more difficult program, but I'm trying to do my best.

Best wishes,


LilySaywhat: with my friend*
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