Поставить слова в предложении, в правильном порядке


1. well, I, English, speak. 2. begins, in September, my term.3. use, for many, scientists, computers, different purposes.4. an old, mathematics, science, is. 5. from the university, will,an engineer, he, be, after graduation. 6. the knowledge of, today,is, very, English, important. 7. begin, at 9 oclock, in themorning, the lectures. 8. tomorrow, will, in Rome, be, she.9. every, year, leave, schools, millions of, secondary, children.10. the term, attend, during, and, lectures, seminars, students.11. a cottage, in the suburbs, constructed, of Moscow, they.12. statistical, in their work, use, the researchers, methods.


Ответ дал: fill1311
I speak English well
My terms begin in September
Scientists use computers for different purposes
Mathematics is an old science
After graduation from the university he will be an engineer
The knowledge of English is very important today
The lectures begin at 9 o'clock in the morning
She will be in Rome tomorrow
Every year millions of children leave secondary school
10- сори не знаю
They constructed a cottage in the suburbs of Moskow
The researchers use statistical methods in their work
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