Помогите перевести на английский .Моя семья.Нас в семье четверо мама,папа я мой братишка Костя.Мою маму завут Анна,она работает машинистом крана.Папу завут Руслан он работает экскаваторщиком.Мой младший брат в этом году пошел в первый класс.Еще он занимаеться вольной борьбой.В выходные дни мы езим к бабушке с дедушкой в деревню.Я очень люблю свою семью.


Ответ дал: aleksandrachavowkm0n
My family. There are four of us in the family: Mom, Dad, me and my brother Kostya. My mother's name is Anna. She works as a crane operator. Papa is called Ruslan. He works as an excavator. My younger brother this year went to the first class. Even he is engaged in freestyle wrestling. On weekends we go to my grandmother and grandfather to the village. I really love my family.
Ответ дал: Polinka20211
My family. We are four in the family,my mother, my dad, I and my brother Kostya. My mother , Anna, she works as a crane machinist. Father's name is Ruslan. He works as an excavator. My younger brother went to the first class this year. He's already practicing freestyle wrestling. We spend the weekend with my grandparents in the country side . I really love my family.

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