Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужном времени:
1._____ you ever _______(to be) to Moscow?
Yes,I ____ (to go) there last winter!
2. How long ______ she _____ (to drive) a car?
She _______ (to drive) for 5 years.She can drive a car very wall.
3.When ________ you _____ (to go) to the cinema?
I _______(to go) to the cinema last Sunday.
4.I _______ just ________(to finish) work and now I ________ (to have) dinner.
5. How long _________ father ______________ (to repair) the car?
He _________(to repair) the car all day


Ответ дал: 1658р
have you ever been
does she drive
she drives
did you go
i went
have just finished 
does father repair
is repairing
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