5 предложений моё любимое время года (моё любимое время года лето)
ответ на английском


Ответ дал: Dariacom1

My favorite season This summer is the summer that's the time of year where you can relax. In summer, it's warm in summer, you can walk in shorts in a skirt and not wear winter things. I really love summer and I'm waiting for it to come.

Ответ дал: nansnxbj626
I like winter. In winter I can take a beautyful photos on snow. Look around! There are children making a snowman. There is white snow.

dimabay2007: вот так было бы лутшеI like winter. In winter, I can play snowballs on sleigh, ski and on a snow slide. Look around! There are children making a snowman. There is white snow.
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