Exercise 125. Turn the following into the Past Perfect Continuous. Add other words indicating a past moment as in the model.
Model: I have been waiting for you for half an hour. — I had been waiting for you for half an hour when you came.
1. I have been packing my things for an hour and a half.
2. He has been working in the laboratory for two years.
3. They have been quarrelling for a long time. 4. The children have been skating for an hour. 5. He has been wearing this suit for a year. 6. My brother has been serving in the army for two years. 7.1 have been washing the dishes for a quarter of an hour. 8. The detective has been investigating this case for a month. 9. The boys have been watching television for three hours. 10. We have been discussing this incident for a week.

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Ответ дал: billiecarter
1. I had been packing my things for an hour and a half when the taxi arrived.
2. He had been working in the laboratory for two years when he got promoted. 3. They had been quarrelling for a long time when she burst into tears (разревелась). 4. The children had been skating for an hour when the weather got worse. 5. He had been wearing this suit for a year when it got worn out. 6. My brother had been serving in the army for two years when he returned home. 7. I had been washing the dishes for a quarter of an hour when mom came home. 8. The detective had been investigating this case for a month when he solved it. 9. The boys had been watching television for three hours when the parents switched it off. 10. We had been discussing this incident for a week when we got bored.
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