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The children were playing so ... that Mother thought there was nobody in the room.
She was surprised because it was so unusual.
They played noisy games more often than ... games (quiet, quietly). "Don't make so much noise. We can't hear anything," Grandmother asked ... (slow, slowly).
She said it so ... that the children were ashamed. Grandmother was always ... to them (kind, kindly).


Ответ дал: CloserToTheEdge
1) quietly
2) quiet
3) slowly
4) kindly
5) kind

Meki5: а вот с этим можешь помочь еще Выберите правильный глагол.

1. I knew that at that moment Tom (waited, was waiting) for me outside.
2. My friend (read, has read) this book two times.
3. Ann noticed that her sister (watched, was watch¬ing) the game with interest.
4. "My parents never (punished, have punished) me," said Tom.
5. The girl began to cry and then (ran, was running) away in tears.
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