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1.___Spain and ______Portugal occupy ____Iberian peninsula, which is separated from____France by ____Pyrences.
2. About ,2,500 years ago the most civilized people in___West where Greek philosophers, writes,and artists.
3. It is said that there never have been any buildings as beautiful as the temples of ____ancient Greece.
4. Another name for Hawaii is___Sandwich Islands.
5. _____Taitii is one of____Society Islands.
6.____London lies in the valley of ___Thames.
7. ____Estonia is famous for its song festivals.
8.The Treaty of 1921 put a border between ____Northen nd ____Southern Ireland.
9. 200 years ago there were 500-600 languages in _____Australia.


Ответ дал: nunny
1.___Spain and ______Portugal occupy __the__Iberian peninsula, which is separated from____France by _the___Pyrences.
2. About 2,500 years ago the most civilized people in_the__West where Greek philosophers, writes, and artists.
3. It is said that there never have been any buildings as beautiful as the temples of ____ ancient Greece.
4. Another name for Hawaii is_the__Sandwich Islands.
5. _____Taitii is one of__the__Society Islands.
6.____London lies in the valley of _the__Thames.
7. ____Estonia is famous for its song festivals.
8.The Treaty of 1921 put a border between ____Northen and ____Southern Ireland.
9. 200 years ago there were 500-600 languages in _____Australia.

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