Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
(good better best bad worse worst)
1) Ted is the ..... singer in his class. He cant sing at all
2) I think summer holidays are ....... than winter holidays they are longer too


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 Ted is the worst singer in his class. He can't sing at all.
2 I think summer holidays are better than winter holidays because they are longer too.

vovavacelev: мне нужно на все 10ъ
akylova: Используй мои и его
parljukljuba: Вам составить надо предложения?
Ответ дал: akylova
Ted is the bad singer in his class. He can't sing at all 
2) I thing summer holidays are best than winted holidays they are longer too
В классе Тэд поет плохо , он не может петь вообще
2) Я считаю/думаю летние каникулы лучше чем зимнее так как они дольше

vovavacelev: мне нужно на все 10 вопросов
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