6. Translate into English.
Переведите на английский язык.
1. Вы говорите по-испански? 2. Я работала в саду, когда началась гроза. 3. Не беспокойтесь, она присмотрит за ребенком. 4. Ты уже слушал новости по радио? 5. Вчера к вечеру он закончил писать свой доклад. 6 Я уже поговорил с учителем сегодня.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
1 Do you speak Spanish?
2 I was working in the garden when the thunderstorm began.
3 Don’t worry, she will look after the child.
4 Have you heard the news over the radio yet?
5 He had finished writing his report by yesterday evening.
6 I have already talked to the teacher today.
Ответ дал: mpshdir
1 Do you speak Spanish?
2 I was working in the garden when the thunderstorm began.
3 Don’t worry, she will look after the child.
4 Have you heard the news over the radio yet?
5 He had finished writing his report by yesterday evening.
6 I have already talked to the teacher today.
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