Помогите решить это задание.Заранее спасибо. Change the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous. 0 For dinner, my sister (eat) ate pizza, but I (have) had soup. 1 My brother (drink) ________________ coffee while he (do) ________________ his homework. 2 He (walk) ________________ into the classroom, then he (sit) ________________ down. 3 While I (study) ________________ , Sue (run) ________________ into the library. 4 When the class (finish) ________________ , the teacher (drive) ________________ home. 5 Harry (sing) _______________ a song when Jane (come) _______________ in. 6 Nothing happened when I (turn on) ________________ the DVD player. 7 It (start) ________________ to rain while I (walk) ________________ to the park. 8 Yuki (listen) ________________ to the radio when the phone (ring) ________________ . 9 The children (go) ________________ the cinema last night. 10 Mr. Jones (find) ________________ some money when he (clean) ________________ the cupboards


Ответ дал: helperinenglish

1 My brother ( was drinking) coffee while he (was doing) his homework. 2 He (walked) into the classroom, then he (sat) down. 3 While I (was studying), Sue (was running) into the library. 4 When the class (finished) , the teacher (drove) home. 5 Harry (was singing) a song when Jane (came) in. 6 Nothing happened when I (turned on) the DVD player. 7 It (started) to rain while I (was walking) to the park. 8 Yuki (was listening) to the radio when the phone (rang). 9 The children (went) the cinema last night. 10 Mr. Jones (found) some money when he (was cleaning) the cupboards

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