• Предмет: Математика
  • Автор: ali220
  • Вопрос задан 7 лет назад

Ex. 65. Complete the sentences with the Simple Past or the Past Continuous.
1.It (begin) … to rain while Ann and I (walk) … to school.
2.While I (wash) … dishes, I (drop) … a plate and (break) … it. 3. I (hit) … my thumb while I (use) … the hammer. 4. While I (walk) … under an apple tree, an apple (fall) … and (hit) me on the head. 5. Last month, both my brother and mynext-doorneighbor were in Thailand, and neither of them (know) … that the other was there. While they (attend) … my daughter’s wedding reception last week, my
neighbor (mention) … her trip, and my brother was very surprised. It seems that they (be) … in Bangkok for three days at exactly the same time and (stay) … in hotels that were only a few blocks away from each other. 6. While I (look) … at the computer screen, I (start) … to feel a little dizzy, so I(take) … a little break. While I (take) … a short break outdoors and (enjoy) … the warmth of the sun on my face, an elderly gentleman (come) … up to me and (ask) … for directions to the public library. After I (tell) … him how to go there, he(thank) … me and (go) … on his way. Soon a big cloud (come) … and (cover) … the sun, so I (go) … back inside to work.
Ex. 66. Use the Simple Past or the Past Continuous.
Late yesterday afternoon while I (prepare) … dinner, the doorbell (ring) … . I (put) … everything down and (rush) … to answer it. I (open) … the door and (smile) … at the stranger standing in my doorway. He (hold) … a small vacuum cleaner. While he (tell) … me about this wonderful vacuum cleaner that he wanted to sell me, the phone (ring) … . I (excuse) … myself and (reach) … for the phone. While I (try) … to talk on the phone and to listen to the vacuum cleaner salesman at the same time, my young son (run) … up to me to tell me about the cat. The cat (try) … to catch a big fish in my husband’s prized aquarium. The fish (swim) … on the bottom to avoid the cat’s paw. I (say) … goodbye to the vacuum salesman and (shut) … the door. I(say) … goodbye to the person on the phone and (hang) … up. I(yell) … at the cat and (shoo) … her away from the fish. Then I(sit) … down in an easy chair and (catch) … my breath. While I(sit) … there, the doorbell(ring) … again. Then the phone (ring) … . Then my son (say) … “Mom! Mom! The dog is in the refrigerator!” I (move, not) … . “What’s next?” I said to myself.


Ответ дал: Маргоша1605
began, were walking,was washing,dropped and broke, hit, was using, was walking, fell, hit, knew, attending, mentioned.                                                       Was preparing, rang, put, rushed, opened, smiled, was holding, was telling, rang, excused, reached, was trying, swam, said, shut, said, hung(hang), yelled, shooed, sat, caught, was sitting, rang, rang, said, didnt move.
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