помогите пожалуйста...)))

Заполните пропуски глагольными формами группы Simple (Indefinite):
1.........you busy today? (to be) 2.........you busy yesterday? (to be) 3......you........free tomorrow? (to be)
4. Here........your gloves (to be). 5. What ........ your opinion of this new magazine? (to be) 6. When.......
your last day off? (to be) 7. Who........ at the office at the same time tomorrow? (to be) 8......... you ready to
help me? (to be) 9, When........ you at the theatre last time? (to be) 10. A colleague of mine........ 130 kg (to
weigh) 11. Our chief manager.......people (not + to trust). 12......you often........your new camera? (to use)
13. Why.....your brother always........ to everybody? (to lie) 14. Who.....usually........ this suit? (to wear)
15. The day before yesterday my friends........ for London (to leave)


Ответ дал: nunny
1. Are you busy today?
2. Were you busy yesterday?
3. Will you be free tomorrow?
4. Here are your gloves.
5. What is your opinion of this new magazine?
6. When was your last day off?
7. Who will be at the office at the same time tomorrow?
8. Are you ready to help me?
9, When were you at the theatre last time?
10. A colleague of mine........ 130 kg (weighs)
11. Our chief manager.......people (does not trust).
12. Do you often........your new camera? (use)
13. Why does your brother always........ to everybody? ( lie)
14. Who usually........ this suit? (wears)
15. The day before yesterday my friends........ for London (left)

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