срочно помогите пожалуйста надо написать сочинение 5-6 предложений на английском языке про любое время года


Ответ дал: pudding2018
winter is the most amazing time of the year, especially in the evening when it's snowing, you walk that down the street snow falls on your hair on your eyelashes, especially when the beautiful landscape. And in the daytime it is even more beautiful when the children make a snowman and you want to take you straight and throw them in the snow. And when Christmas comes this is a paradise, when in the morning you run to socks weighing
Ответ дал: dianakasianchuk
March, April and May are the spring months. It is a very nice season. The weather is fine, it is warm. There are many green trees in the streets in the parks and in the yards. Sometimes it rains but usually the sun shines brightly. The birds return from the hot countries and build their nests.
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