Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.
We ..........................(feed) the chickens every morning at 6:30. I ................. (study) in my bedroom at the moment, but I can join you in the park later. I really have to go now. My plane ................................................(leave)at 10:30. She .....................(visit) her grandmother every Sunday afternoon. He .........................(write) a book about the high cost of living now.


Ответ дал: zamlik1901
We feed
I am studying
My plane will leave
She visits
He is writing
Ответ дал: Marina2033
We feed Present Simple, потому что действие регулярное
I am studying, Present Cont., потому что действие происходить сейчас, в момент речи
My plane is leaving, Present Cont., потому что знаем точное время и действие нерегулярное
She visits Present Simple
He is writing Present Cont.
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