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The man with the bulldog look, the cigar and the V-sign meaning victory (to be born) in 1874, in Blenheim palace. One of his ancestors (to be) the famous duke of Marlborough. He (to attend) the famous public school of Harrow, but he (not to work) very hard and (to be) often bottom of his class. Then he (to go) to Sandhurst Military School.


Ответ дал: Remember1
1) was born
2) was
3) attended
4) didn't work
5) was
6 )went

Remember1: Можешь пожалуйста отметить мой ответ, как "лучший") Просто нужно перейти на новый уровень
drmrwrld: Конечно)
Remember1: Спасибо
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