Помогите, пожалуйста, с английским языком 11 класс.

A) Complete the sentences using USED TO or WOULD. In some cases both are possible.

1. That building _______ (be) a school.

2. When I was younger, I __________(go) fishing every Saturday.

3. Years ago, she __________ (have) long hair.

4. David ____________(live) in that house.

5. Grandma ________(get up) early and watch the sun rise every morning.

6. My aunt _________( visit) us every Sunday when she was still in London.

7. He ________(be) an excellent swimmer when he was young.

B) Choose the correct verb form.

1. Back in France I used to / am used to live with my parents.

2. I’m used to travelling / used to travel long distances.

3. I’m not used to prepare / preparing my own meals but now I don’t have a choice.

4. I can’t used to / get used to living in this noisy neighbourhood.

5. Everyone in my family is a vegetarian, so I got used to eat / eating vegetables every day.

C) 1. Rewrite the following sentences with used to/didn’t use to or would/wouldn’t. In some cases both used to and would are possible.

1. In the 1980s only a small number of people knew how to use the Internet, now it’s very different.

2. Every time he came to visit me in Warsaw my friends gave a part

3. When Susan was a student she never talked about her friends behind their backs.


Ответ дал: Sonya088

1 was
2 went
3 had
4 live
5 get up
6 Visit
Am used
Used to traveling
Suede preparing
Used to
А это не знаю
Вас заинтересует