Заполните предложения с правильной формой глаголов в
скобках для выполнения второй части условных предложений.

1 If I (have) more money, I
(can) travel next summer.
2 My parents (be) happier
if I (not go out) so much.
3 Maybe if I (share) an apartment
with friends, I (get along)
better with my parents.
4 If I (go) to bed earlier, I
(not be) so tired all the time.
5 If I (paint) my room white, maybe it (not look) so depressing.
6 I (feel) a lot better if I (go) to the gym more.
7 I (not argue) with my brother if he (not borrow) my things
all the time.
8 If my girlfriend (not have to) work so hard, we (can) see each
other more often.
9 If I (do) something with my life instead of just thinking about it, maybe
things (improve).


Ответ дал: VitoHard
1 had would can
2 was wouldn't go out
3. Shared would get along
4. Went wouldn't be
5 pained wouldn't look
6.felt would go
7. wouldn't agree hadn't borrow
8. Didn't have to would can
9. Did would improve
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