поставьте глагол в нужной форме.
1. My sister not (to work), she (to study) at a college. 2. His grandmother (to live) in Moscow. 3. We always (to help) our mother about the house. 4. I often (to prepare) dinner for my family. 5. Where (to do) your father work? 6. My brother and sister (to spend) their holidays in the country. 7. When (to do) Nick come home from school? 8. Her relatives often (to visit) us. 9. My sister (to teach) physics at the Institute. 10. My uncle and my aunt (to live) in the countryside.


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 doesn't work, studies
2 lives
3 help
4 prepare
5 Where does your father work?
6 spend
7 When does Nick come....
8 visit
9 teaches
10 live
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