Помогите,запишите краткий ответ НЕТ.
Are the businessmen ready?
Is the businessmen in Samara?
Are the snowmen big?
Is the snowman little?
Is the fireman late?
Are the firemen late?
Are you late?
Is your grandfather late?
Are you in the classroom?
Are we good sportsmen?
Are you a good sportsman?
Are you good sportsmen?
Is your brother a sportsmen?
Is it your snowman?
Are they your snowmen?


Ответ дал: vicka1611
no they arent
no he isnt
no they arent
no it isnt
no it isnt
no they arent
no Im not
no she isnt
no Im not
no we arent
no Im not
no he isnt
no it isnt
no they arent

Аноним: спасибоооооооооооо
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