Помогите пж!!!!СРОЧНО!!
Мне оч надо


fswfrefaw: Автор ТПО (или учебника тут) и класс.
татарвумен: Верещагина,Афанасьева
татарвумен: 5 класс


Ответ дал: opperyan76
3wasing 4 made 5 turn on 6turn off
Ответ дал: fswfrefaw
Every day Susie makes her bed,does the breakfast dishes,cleans vegetables for lunch.Jim makes his bed,cleans his sitting room and works in the garden every day.Nick makes his bed,gets dog food and washes the floor every day.They all have lunch everyday.

Its 11.00 now.      Susie is doing the breakfast dishes.
                            Jim is cleaning the sitting room.
                             Nick is getting dog food.

It is  11.15   now    Susie is cleaning vegetables for lunch
                               Jim is working in the garden.
                               Nick is washing the floor.

It is 12.00  now       They are having lunch.

Фух..Вроде всё...

татарвумен: Большое спасибо
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