Встановите соответствие
1.to beat
2.to chop
3.to grate
4.to melt
5.to mix
6.to peel
7.to pour
8.to slice
9.to squeeze
10.to stir

a)the mixture with a wooden spatula
b)the potatoesame and boil a saucepan
c)the cheese and add the sauce
d)the sausauce over the meatop and serve
e)the hamost as thinly as possible
f)the eggs until light and fluffy
g)a lemon over the fish
h)a little butter in a frying pan
i)the vegetables into small pieces
j)all the ingredients


Ответ дал: nunny
1. to beat f) the eggs until light and fluffy
2. to chop
i) the vegetables into small pieces
3. to grate
c) the cheese and add the sauce
4. to melt
h) a little butter in a frying pan
5. to mix
j) all the ingredients
6. to peel b) the potatoes and boil a saucepan
7. to pour
d) the sausauce over the meatop and serve
8. to slice
e) the ham as thinly as possible 
9. to squeeze
g) a lemon over the fish
10. to stir
a) the mixture with a wooden spatula
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