Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box.
Слова которые нужно использовать: caught, player, found, phoned, stayed, invited, accepted.

My friend left the birthday party early. I wish she had stayed.
2) John missed his bus this morning. John wishes ...
3) Nick hurt his arm and could only watch the volleyball match. He wished...
4) I didn't warn my parents I would be late. They worried a lot waiting for me. I wish ...
5) Mary lost her wallet. She looked for it everywhere. She wishes ...
6) Zhomart refused his wife's offer to go to the cinema. Now he wishes ...
11 класс



Ответ дал: nunny
2) John wishes he had caught it.
3) He wished
he had played.
4) I wish
I had phoned them.
5) She wishes she had
found it.
6) Now he wishes 
had accepted her offer.

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