1. "Can I have a look at your newspaper?" "Certainly. You can keep it if you like. I've been reading/I've read it." 2. They've been repairing/They've repaired the road all this week, but they haven't finished it yet. 3. I'm very sorry, but I've been breaking/
I've broken this chair. 4. Sally has been saving/has saved nearly two thousand pounds so far this year. 5. What's the matter? Have you been losing/Have you lost something? 6. I've always been working/I've always worked in the music industry. 7. Someone has been eating/has eaten my chocolates. There aren't many left.


Ответ дал: annetmillia
1) I've read;
2) Been repairing;
3) Broken;;
4) Saved;
5) Lost;
6) Have been always;
7) Has eaten.
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