Написать 36 предложений(+,-,?)с I play football во все времена(12)
:Present continuous
present simple
present perfect
present perfect continuous
past continuous
past simple
past perfect
past perfect continuous
future continuous
future simple
future perfect
future perfect continuous


Ответ дал: yaznayu
I am playing football. I am not playing football. Am I playing football. I play football. I do not play football. Do you play football? I have played football. I have not plaed football. Have you played football? I have been playing football. Have I been playing football? I was playing football. I was not playing football. Was I playing football? I played football. I did not play football. Did you play football?

yaznayu: I had played football. I had not plaed football. Had you played football?
yaznayu: I had been playing football.I had not been playing football. Had I been playing football? I had been playing football. I had not been playing football. Had I been playing football? I will play football. I will not play football. Will I play football?
yaznayu: I will be playing football. I will not be playing football. Will I be playing football? I will have played football. i will not have been played football. Will I have been played football? I will have been playing football. i will not been playing football. Will I have been playing football?
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