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ДАЮ 21 БАЛЛОВ!!!!!!!!!


Ответ дал: елена1145
Bob and Rose are English children. Bob is fifteen. Rose is fourteen. They are brother and sister. They go to school. Bob goes to a boys' school and Rose goes to a girls' school. The children's schools are not far from home. At school Bob learns English and German. Rose learns English and French. Bob and Rose have a lot of books at home. They have English, German and French books.
Rose is a very good pupil. She always works hard. She reads a lot of books. She always does all her exercises. She always helps her mother at home.
Bob does not work hard. He does not work at all. He does not like books and he does not like school. He does not like to help his mother at home. He is a lazy boy. He only likes to sing and dance. He knows some English songs, and he likes to sing them.
Ответ дал: Аноним
1)Rahila lives in a flat. It is in a tall building. There is a supermarket on the ground floor. It is very big. They do shopping there. They live on the fourth floor. There are four rooms in their flat. They have a living room, a dining room and two bedrooms in it. They have got a kitchen and bathroom in their flat,too. She has her things in her bedroom. It is small but light. She does her lessons and sleep there. She loves her room
2)Emil lives in a house in the country. It is very big but it is very comfortable. The weather is clean and there are not many cars in the streets. He enjoys beautiful nature from his bedroom window. There are five rooms and big hall in their house. They use hall for holidays. All family sit around a big dinner table. They have a small garden around the house. In the morning you can see many birds in the garden. You can hear their songs in the morning in the garden. Emil has tea and dinner in the garden in fine weather. He loves his house
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