ДАЮ 35 БАЛЛОВ, сделайте краткую биографию Чехова на английском!!


Ответ дал: ZaharPopov
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (17 (29) January 1860, Taganrog, Ekaterinoslav Province (now Rostov Region) - 2 (15) July 1904, Badenweiler [10]) is a Russian writer, prose writer and playwright. A classic of world literature. By profession, a doctor. Honorary academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in the category of elegant literature (1900-1902). One of the most famous playwrights in the world. His works have been translated into more than 100 languages. His plays, especially "Seagull", "Three Sisters" and "Cherry Orchard", have been staged in many theaters of the world for more than 100 years. Over 25 years of creativity Chekhov created more than 300 different works.

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