Look at the graph.Use the key and the phrases the majority, a lot of, some, a few very few to talk about teenagers and how they use their computers in the USA.
Communicate with friends/surf the Net. play games/download music.
General usage, send emails, make videos, save files, prepare PowerPoint presentations, burn CDs/DVDs, make music compilations.
Homework. reading/learning. news. other (design a web page).
b) Ask and answer the questions.
1 How often do you use your computer?
2 What do you use your computer for? Tell your partner
3 Which are your favourite websites? Why?
4 How often do you visit them?


Ответ дал: Skyka999



Very few teens use computers for other purposes.

А few teens use computers for reading and for learning news.

Some teens use their computers for doing homework.

A lot of teens use computers to play games and download music and also for general usage.


I use my computer every day for work and study.

I use the computer to read the news, to communicate with my friends, to do homework and to watch funny videos.

My favourite sites are about movie and music.

I visit themn once or twvice a week or whenever I have free time.


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