Пожалуйста помогите с английским очень срочно нужно)))))))
Choose have, haven’t, ’ve, has, hasn’t or ’s to make the sentences
1. She ____ a new car.
2. ____ you got a job yet?
3. I don’t ____ much money on me.
4. She ____ got a BA in Italian.
5. My friend ____ three children.
6. I ____ got a lot of work tonight.
7. They ____ got a very good TV at home.
8. We ____ got lots of CDs, but we ____ got a CD player!
9. I usually ____ lunch with my girlfriend.
10. My sister ____ got a camera, but she ____ got an expensive


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 has
2 have
3 have
4 has
5 has
6 have
7 have
8 have, haven't
9 have
10 has, hasn't

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