Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной грамматической форме. 1. The earth (to become) warmer than it (to be) for a thousand years. By the middle of the next century it (to be) warmer than it (to be) before the Ice Age. 2. The man-made agent (фактор) of climatic changes is the carbon dioxide that (to pour out) of the world’s chimneys (дымоходы) since the industrial revolution (to begin). 3. The great ice-caps of Greenland and Antarctic (to raise) sea-levels. The average sea-level already (to rise) a foot since the turn of the century. 4. About 200 years ago people (to begin) to burn fossil fuels. 5. Turbines (to design) to take as much energy from the moving water as possible.


Ответ дал: Тоби21
1) is becoming
2) was
3) will be
4) was

1) pours out
2) begun

1) are raised т. к. это пассивный гл.
2) have risen

1) began

1) are designed тоже пассив.
Надеюсь, что помогла хоть чем-то

annasamo2017: спасииииибо))
Тоби21: пожалуйста ))
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