Complete the Second Conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. If it _ (be) windier, we _ (go) sailing.
2. If you _ (do) an extreme sport, which one _ it _ (be)?
3. I _ (go) surfing every day if I _ (live) in California.
4. If you _ (be) better at judo, you _ (have) a black belt.
5. If i _ (run) a kilometre, it _(kill) me.
6. If I _(not live) so far from the mountains, I _(go) skiing more often.
7. Which martial art _ you_(do) if you _(have) the time?
8. How _ you _ (feel) if you _ (win) an Olympic medal?
9. I _ (relax) more if I _(be) you.
Заранее спасибо


Ответ дал: wasjafeldman

Second Conditional: If+V₂,would V.

1. If it was windier, we would go sailing.

2. If you did an extreme sport, which one would it be?

3. I would go surfing every day if I lived in California.

4. If you were better at judo, you would have a black belt.

5. If I ran a kilometre, it would kill me.

6. If I didn't live so far from the mountains, I would go skiing more often.

7. Which martial art would you do if you had the time?

8. How would you feel if you won an Olympic medal?

9. I would relax more if I were you.

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