Circle the correct answers to form the Second Conditional sentences.
1. I'd go/went skiing if it be/were less expensive.
2. If i meet/met a successful sportsperson, I'd ask/'ll ask them about their training programme.
3. We wouldn't lose/won't lose so many matches if we train/trained more.
4. If we didn't enjoy/don't enjoy volleyball, we won't play/wouldn't play it.
5. I'd go/went horse-riding if horses are/were smaller and slower.


Ответ дал: Natara1
1. I'd go skiing if it were less expensive.
2. If I met a successful sportsperson, I'd ask them about their training programme.
3. We wouldn't lose so many matches if we trained more.
4. If we didn't enjoy volleyball, we wouldn't play it.
5. I'd go horse-riding if horses were smaller and slower.

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