Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous.
A: When______________(you\start) learning French?
B: Two years ago while I_________(prepare) for my A Levels.
A: I___________(not,know) you had a dog.
B: I___________(find) her on the street a month ago while I______(walk) back from school.
A: Julie (pass)____________all her exams.
B: Yes, I know. She__________(tell) me the good news while we______(have) lunch.
A: ______(you, clean) the attic?
B: Yes, and I______(come) across my yearbook!


Ответ дал: kseniarius
1) did you start
2) was preparing
3) didn't know
4) found
5)was walking
6) passed
7) told
8) were having
9) Did you clean
10) came
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