Поставьте предложения в Passive Voice
I bought flowers yesterday.
He damaged his car last night.
She cleans the garage twice a week.
He will open the meeting at nine.
We will send the newspapers by train.
They will show this programme on television.
You mustn’t touch this button.
His parents invited many people to the wedding.
We will pack the things.
I can spend two weeks camping near the lake . Помогите плиз!!!!


Ответ дал: AllaSinelnikova
Flowers was bought by me yesterday.
The car was demeged by him last night.
The garage is cleaned by her twice a week.
The meeting will be opened by him at nine.
The newspapers will be sent by us by train.
This programm  will be shown by them on television.
This button mustn't be touched by yourself.
Many people was invited on wedding  by his parents.
The things will be packed by ourselves.
Two weeks camping near the lake can be spent by myself.

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