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My family will receive money from Social Security and spend it on whatever we like, shoes included


Ответ дал: sashkaaaamartseliuk
Will my family receive money from Social Security and spend it one whatever we like,shoes included?
Will my family or sister receive money from Social Security and spend it one whatever we like,shoes included?
my family receive money from Social Security and spend it one whatever we like,shoes included,will not they?
My family will not receive money from Social Security and spend it on whatever we like shoes included,will they?Who will receive money from Social Security and spend it one whatever we like,shoes included?

Саша4542: Спасибо)) 
Саша4542: Можете еще помочь с еще одним предложением?
Саша4542: Even though we're young, we can make a difference in the world by the little things we do.
sashkaaaamartseliuk: Не
sashkaaaamartseliuk: Ой
sashkaaaamartseliuk: Нема за шо
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