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Some of these sentences are right and some are wrong. Correct the sentences that are wrong.1. She is a nice girl. 2. Many womans work nowadays. 3. Put the boxes on the shelfs. 4. The boy had two tooth pulled out. 5. The childs were crying over the broken toys. 6. I saw a mice in the kitchen. 7. There were yellow leafs on the ground. 8. I saw many deer in the North and my father ca


Ответ дал: zorbing
2. Many WOMEN work nowadays. 3. Put the boxes on the SHELVES. 4. The boy had two TEETH pulled out. 5. The CHILDREN were crying ...
6. I saw a MOUSE in the kitchen. 7. There were yellow LEAVES on the ground.
Ответ дал: Знания0302
2) women 3) shelves 4)teeth 5) children 7) leaves
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