Заполните пропуски формами глагола to be. 1. This .....my bag and that .....her bag. 2. These ..... my brother’s pencils. 3. Where .... you?- I .... in the kitchen. 4. What .....you doing there?- I ..... washing the dishes now. 5. I and my sister ...... in London last summer. 6. We ...... at the lecture yesterday. 7. The lecture .....interesting and there .....many people present. 8. Her grandparents ......very hospitable and kind. 9. My cat .... rather lazy. 10. My brother ....an expert on geology.


Ответ дал: coffee4202
1 is
2 is
3 are, am
4 are, am
5 are
6 are
7 is, are
8 are
9 is
10 is
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