1) Carol and Bob (to be) late yesterday. 2) When he (to arrive), we already (to have) dinner. 3) While they (towatch) TV we (to take) our dog for a walk, 4) Next week we (to go to Disneyland. s) I never (to be) to India. 6) I am busy, I (to write) an essay now. 7) I just (to have) lunch. 8) Where is Susan? She (to sleep). 9) en we (to go) to the swimming pool we (to meet) Fred. 10) when he (to walk) down the street, he (to see)Jill.


Ответ дал: olecika13
were, arrived, had had, were watching, took, will go, have never been, am writing, have just had, is sleeping, were going, met, was walking saw
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