Помогите пожалуйста сделать ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО задание №12 ! За ранее спасибо!



Ответ дал: YoonSeA
1. It's sunny and warm today. We are going to have a picnic in the park.
2. My grandpa has fallen ill. I'm going to visit him tomorrow.
3. Chris has a lot of pen friends in different countries. He is going to write them about Russia and his new school.
4. Linda wants to improve her English. She is going to join the English Club.
5. The friends like taking photos. They are going to take part in the Photo Exhibition. 

rally8954: Помогите решить https://znanija.com/task/25875663
nataxa861: Спасибо большое за ответ,но по твоей ссылке я вообще ни чего не сообразила(((даже не поняла что надо толком сделать.
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