Put the worlds in each group in the correct order to make a sentence, and change the verb in brackets to the correctv form.
1. He/to/Brussels/the/in/once a week/companys head office (fly)
2. the Internet/regularly/to/Many people/bue plane tickets (use)
3. in/some of/ the/the/world/tallest buildings/Taipei (have)
4. hardly ever/UK/serious/The/earthquakes (experience)
5. week/The/a/average junior doctor/60 hours/ (work) 


Ответ дал: zorbing
1. He flies to the company's head office in Brussels once a week.
2. Many people use the Internet
regularly to book plane tickets.
3. Taipei has some of the tallest buildings in the world.
4. The UK hardly ever experiences
serious earthquakes.
5. The average
junior doctor works 60 hours a week.
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