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Exercise 1
Tick the correct sentences. If a tense is not correct, underline it and write the correct form.
I have never been seeing a ghost. have never seen
1) Look. The girl has been buying four dictionaries. ........................................................................
2) I haven't eaten anything since I arrived. ........................................................................
3) Let's stop for a while. You've driven all morning. ........................................................................
4) Have you ever been sleeping in a tent? ........................................................................
5) He's been sleeping too long. Wake him up! ........................................................................
6) I'm sorry. How long have you been waiting? ........................................................................
7) I've been meeting your sister several times. ........................................................................
8) I've been knowing him since he was born. ........................................................................
9) Help yourself. Mum has been making delicious toasts. ........................................................................
10) He is sunburnt. He's been lying on the beach all day. ........................................................................
11) I've gone to France for five years now. ........................................................................
12) Don't give up. You haven't been trying this way yet.


Ответ дал: AripovZ
1. Look the girl is buying four dictionaries.
2. +
3. . . . You have been driving all the morning.
4. Have you ever slept in a tent?
5. +
6. +
7. I have met your sister several times.
8. I have known him since he was born.
9. Help yourself. Mum has made delicious toasts.
10. +
11. +
12. Don't give up. You haven't tried this way yet.

dimadima2003: 5 +
dimadima2003: 6+
dimadima2003: 7 have met
dimadima2003: 8 have know
dimadima2003: 9 +
dimadima2003: 10
dimadima2003: 10+
dimadima2003: 11 have been going
dimadima2003: 12 haven't tritd
dimadima2003: ответы после проверки учителем
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